Que: You
Ans: Every one of us knows a few people who are perpetually on fire. They’re madly in love with their work, about college basketball, over old jazz or modern art – whatever. They just pour their hearts and souls into life. And, given their unrelenting intensity, you can be pretty sure something innate is going on.
Let’s not talk about them. Like people born with blue eyes or high arches, they are what they are. It’s more useful to talk about the second part of your question: whether people can actually go from blasĂ© to burning hot. And to that, as every good manager already knows, the answer is a resounding “Yes”! Passion can indeed be ignited, but it demands you draw on your own inner fi re, giving your people powerful answers to the questions: “Where are we going?” & “Why?” And “What’s in it for me?”
For Complete IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article
Source : IIPM Editorial, 2007
An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative
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